
Doboks (training suits)

All beginners must have a suit prior to their first grading. Please purchase via our online store:

We don’t hold stock; we place an order on demand. Therefore we recommend you don’t leave it too close to the grading just in case our supplier is out of stock of a particular size.

Suits come with a white belt. Coloured belts are provided by the club after a successful grading.

Sizing guide
0000/100 3’0″ to 3’5″
000/110 3’5″ to 3’7″
00/120 3’7″ to 4’0″
0/130 4’0″ to 4’4″
1/140 4’4″ to 4’8″
2/150 4’8″ to 5’2″
3/160 5’2″ to 5’5″
4/170 5’5″ to 5’8″
5/180 5’8″ to 5’10”
6/190 5’10” to 6’4″
7/200 6’4″ and above


Sparring gear

Students are permitted to spar once they have passed their first grading (9th kup – White Belt / Yellow Tag) and we recommend sparring gear is purchased at this point. Once a student has obtained 8th kup (Yellow Belt) they must have sparring gear to continue to progress.

Each student must have: head, hand and feet protection.

Additionally, males must have groin guards.

Shin guards are optional.

Gum shields are recommended (optional) for club sparring, but essential for competitions. There are different types. Generally, the generic gum shields are sufficient, but if desired custom ones can be ordered. Seek advice from your equipment provider or your dentist.

Due to number of sizing / colour / style variations we ask you to purchase sparring equipment direct. Our recommendation is you purchase from:

Links direct to pages with the relevant gears on are below (correct as at September 2024):

Example of suitable foot, hand and head protection is shown here:

If you are unsure please check suitability with us before purchasing.

Finally, a sports bag or similar is recommended to store and carry the equipment in.