I hope all students and parents/carers are well.
I’m writing this update because recently various lockdown restrictions have started to lift, and today it was announced that some activities such as leisure centres will be opening shortly. So I thought I’d give an update on LTKD.
I have been closely watching what schools and leisure centres are permitted to do. In addition though, there is specific guidance relating to the use of the community centre. As it stands the centre is unable to support mixed activities, due to the cleaning requirements in-between different groups. So priority is currently given to the school club (for child care reasons). Over the summer there is an activity group that has a two week block booking, so they can have exclusive access during that time.
For obvious reasons clubs / activities that only want one or two nights are not going to be able to use the hall until September at the earliest. That is, until the rules on mixed activities are relaxed.
I’ll keep monitoring the situation, and update when I can. As it stands though, I’m looking at mid September as a potential LTKD re-opening opportunity.
Please keep well in the meantime, and if you have any specific queries please get in touch
Regards, Jamie