Hello Students, Parents/Carers
Further update on LTKD re-opening.
Due to the reduced capacity in the hall necessary to maintain distancing, the club needs to have a predictable student numbers at a certain level to make it viable. In addition I’ll be taking payments online to avoid cash handling.
Thus to provide the degree of predictability I’m proposing to ask for payments on a monthly basis, payable in advance before the first Monday of the month. For the remainder of 2020, the dates / costs would work out as follows:
September £15 per student (14, 21, 28)
October £15 per student (5, 12, 19 – not 26th as it’s Half Term)
November £25 per student (2, 9, 16, 23, 30)
December £15 per student (7, 14, 21)
Payments would be made online directly to the club bank account (details will be provided separately).
Class will still operate 7pm to 8:30pm.
For those with younger children. There will be no regular / scheduled toilet break in class, however in event of urgent need the disabled toilet will be available on request.
Although I’ll be unable to teach some aspects of the syllabus for the time being (e.g. sparring) the upside is the class will be a smaller group, so students will benefit from that and we can spend the time focusing on the rest of the syllabus and improving on the technical aspects of TKD.
Based on feedback, if sufficient students commit based on the new arrangements then we will look to re-open on Monday 14th September.